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[Writer: Bradley Whitford | Director: Andrew Bernstein | Aired: 1/15/2006 ] The story behind why “The Debate” exists is an interesting one. Far more interesting, in fact, than “The Debate” itself. “He’s what’s wrong with the party. He’s the problem, not me!” – Vinick. [ Writer: Peter Noah | Director: Nelson McCormick | Aired: 3/30/2005 ] Among the many failings of Season Five, one of the most egregious was the way it turned TV’s greatest political series into a primetime soap opera. Illicit romances, interpersonal vendettas, and betrayals/backstabbings were brought to the forefront, often seemingly out of nowhere, and the show’s once-cutting political vernacular fell to the wayside. There are certain oddities and inconsistencies of The West Wing which must be accepted in order for us to appreciate the show’s finer aspects. The unexplained disappearance of many side characters (did Mandy just get lost on her way to the Sit Room?).

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[ 75 ] Em 2 de fevereiro de 2021, um romance da primeira temporada, intitulado The Fairies' Path , foi lançada. Ele apresenta cenas bônus e histórias de fundo de personagens não vistas na série. Foi escrito pela autora irlandesa Sarah Rees Brennan sob o pseudônimo de Ava Corrigan. [ 76 ] Referências. Fate: The Winx Saga na Netflix Fate: The Winx Saga . no IMDb. Tabela crp.

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